Cree individuals and organizations interested in learning about the latest trends in the communications industry should checkout a two-day symposium organized by the James Bay Communications Society in Montreal Nov. 30 and Dec. 1.
This symposium is intended to help Crees learn about current trends in communications technologies, cost-effective ways of improving services and training opportunities, and financing for communications services.
“There is a need for communications systems for the Cree communities which can lower costs, reduce travel and provide improved access to information, education and training opportunities, health services and economic development,” says the JBCS in a press release.
The symposium should be of interest to people working in the media, as well as anyone else who works with communications technology—everything from telephones to computers. Experts in computer networking and video conferencing will be on hand, as well as agencies like Telesat and Telebec.
The symposium, which is being held in the Sheraton Hotel, will make use of audio and video conferencing hookups and live radio broadcasts to involve Crees in the communities. For more info call the symposium coordinator, Edna Voyageur, at 514-861-5837 (fax: 514-861-0760).