Well, actually it’s free. Here we are, issue # 20.

I’ve usually done the editorials for this page. And I’ve run out of things to say… Actually I’m getting lazy.

So we here at The Nation are inviting you to contribute. To contribute to The Nation and to your nation. We want you to contribute your thoughts and feelings.

I do have things to say but I need a break. I need to observe and gather my thoughts once again. On top of putting out a paper and everything that goes along with that, sometimes I’m left doing them at the last minute as I’m doing now.

Twenty issues later and it’s almost been a year since we’ve started The Nation. And things are going well and we want to thank you, our readers, for the support you’ve shown. We’re bringing in more and more people to help. We’re establishing ourselves as a business, which is where a lot of my time goes.

And this is where you come in. It is very easy for us to put something in from a fax. So send us your stories by fax or by mail. By the way, for The Nation’s first youth essay contest, the works we recieved were incredible. We thank you for the time you took to send us your writing.

In closing, we want you to write and send it in.