IN MEMORY of my Grand-uncle, a hunter, who passed away this summer.

Many have known him as a best friend, but to me he was a namesake and the most influential Elder in my childhood. Practically every day, memories of this man fill my mind.

Certainly in the future, I do believe a lot of things will stay in my mind, like the stories and legends he used to tell me about when they killed, what they wanted to eat, and did not waste what they killed.

I know I will miss his bright smile for the rest of my days.

Today I have to follow my new paths, but never forget the way it used to be and the way we took pride in one another.

Sometimes it’s hard to be as strong as I used to be when we were together. I imagine it will seem very weird for me every time I pass by where he used to sit in his old cabin in the bush.

The reason I am saying this is because I didn’t expect to hear that he passed away, that his life was ended. I felt differently after he left me—sometimes I think I can’t live without him.

The day he passed away was a black one for me. In closing, I would like to say his thoughts and his wisdom will always be a part of me.

-Jackson Jolly, Nemaska