The James Bay Crees of Northern Quebec are again being asked to speak and take a stand regarding further development on their lands. This development is the mining industry which is now in progress and in the stage where it’s now a reality. It is now very urgent to consider this issue, to open this issue immediately with utmost importance. It is a known fact this kind of development can be devastating and detrimental for the peoples of the Cree Nation, the traditional Cree lands and way of life.
Apparently, the present leadership of the Crees (Chiefs, Council members, Cree Economic Development and Grand Council) haven’t come together to consult and discuss this issue with the Cree people because no direction has been brought forward from the traditional people of the lands. The Cree Nation of Northern Quebec has always understood that major developments affecting their lands and way of life have been a foremost priority of the Eeyou who are still practicing the traditional way of life.
The Cree trapper has always been the key consultant and leader regarding issues which affect Cree lands. The Cree trapper understands the full meaning of the land and the importance of cultural continuity. Then, the Cree trapper is and will be the consultant and leader regarding mining development in the Cree lands of James Bay Quebec.
Many mining companies approved by the provincial governments have already done tremendous amounts of work in the Cree lands of James Bay. Presently, the mining industry developing in the James Bay area is very vast and also in different stages. The mining companies are open to inform and consult with the Cree people, but the provincial government has stated that Crees don’t need to be consulted. The option of Crees working with the mining companies is and will be a brand new area for Crees to venture into. The Cree Nation of James Bay will also consider if this is the only option.
The mining process is as follows:
1) A small group of people called JUNIOR COMPANIES look for minerals on land from information that theprovincial government has already from airborne surveys done in the past.
2) They collect samples of rock which are then analyzed to see if they carry precious minerals whichthey look for.
1) If they find gold, silver, copper, zinc or any other precious metal they look for money fromthe stock markets or from bigger mining companies like Noranda, Barrick Gold, SOQUEM or Debyers, andthese companies put money into this junior company to explore more.
2) This part of the process has caused a major concern about the damage they have caused on theterritory. It involves scrapping the land, building roads (temporary), claim-staking, line-cutting,building camps, drilling, fuel and oil traces on the land, helicopters flying around crisscrossing theland, blasting with dynamite.
The mining industry says all the elements to create a mine in the James Bay area are in place as ofnow: electricity, water, roads, minerals.
The next step of selling this project is extraction, which brings in the building of the mine itselfand trucks and ships to bring this material from the land to be processed. The junior companiesoperating in James Bay areas have already contacted these bigger companies and have made deals withthem for money to do more work in these areas. Even partnerships with these larger corporations havebeen put in place.
This is what becomes a great concern to the people who care for the land. Without any restrictions inplace or asking any consent from the Cree trappers, the mining companies feel they can do anything theywant after they receive the exploration permits from the provincial government.
The question of where and how will the Crees stand on this issue is very crucial and needs to beanswered cautiously before further development is done by the mining industry. The Crees must alsorefer to the updated research on mining in the James Bay area that has been done and can be madeavailable upon request.
Furthermore, we can emphasize that the Cree trapper of James Bay Eeyou Estchee must carry the voice ofthe people on this issue. The Cree trapper also carries the voice of the land and has a betterunderstanding on all aspects of Eeyou’s important connection to the land.
Presented in Whapmagoostui, October 21, 1997.