This story in our first issue was the first of many contributions

by Margaret Sam Cromarty. Dec. 1, 1993 (Vol. 1, No.1)

This is the Year of the Indigenous People, for the world to recognize

this unique culture that exists today. The question is: What have we

done to promote our culture here at home and abroad? In our own

communities I would venture to say “nothing.” But then I might bewrong.

The fact of the matter is we are still Indigenous People. Or have webecome affluent? Have we crossed the line to the other side, confused, not understanding ourselves, who we are, or what we should do.

Of course we know who we are, but keeping our identity and culture

is something else. To preserve our culture we must keep our native

tongues alive and most of all our lands. Without land, we will surely

lose our indigenous ways. All indigenous people are caretakers of thisplanet who have survived for thousands of years from the fruits of what

it had to offer.

Others came here 500 years ago to destroy, pollute and rape the land

and thrust some form of genocide onto its indigenous inhabitants.

What will the land be like for our children, 500 years from now?Will this planet be the next moon — lifeless?