Volume 21, Issue 19

A matter of survival

My experience with religion has been interesting to say the least. In Attawapiskat, the Jesuits established a church as part of the French wave of colonists during the early days of the fur trade. The English also dispatched Anglican missionaries to First Nation territories on the Hudson and James Bay ... read more ››

A rudder? Or a new ship?

As it wrapped up its annual three-day gathering in Halifax July 17, the Assembly of First Nations was leaderless, divided and facing an uncertain future. As one chief commented, it is like sailing in a “rudderless ship.” Former AFN Chief Shawn Atleo At the centre of the organization’s problems is how to ... read more ››

Behind the making of Nunaaluk: A Forgotten Story

Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association’s (COTA) latest film, Nunaaluk: A Forgotten Story, showcases the sustainability of life on Cape Hope (Nunaaluk), a James Bay island near Wemindji, while exploring the rich history of its former Inuk inhabitants. An Inukshuk on Cape Hope Island This 29-minute documentary, directed by Louise Abbott and produced ... read more ››

Burgoo: A Canadian cookbook that is all about comfort

While the blueberries may still be ripening on the bushes and the kids are making sandcastles on the shores of Eeyou Istchee, cooler, damper weather is on its way and with it will also come the desire for heavy comfort foods. That’s when you’ll need to brush up on health cooking ... read more ››

Canoe brigade to head down the Broadback River

As the 40th Annual General Assembly of the Crees winds down in Waswanipi, about 16 youth and four guides will prepare for a canoe adventure down the Broadback River from Waswanipi to Waskaganish. The expedition is a project organized by the Grand Council’s Department of the Environment and Remedial Works and ... read more ››

Cree youth depart for Regina’s North American Indigenous Games

Almost 50 Cree athletes, coaches and staff travelled to Regina July 19 to for the 2014 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG). 2014 NAIG mascots Buffalo and Young Buffalo alongside Stan Bobb, Chair of Community Development Corporation show off the medals NAIG winners will receive in Regina The Cree last participated in the ... read more ››

Hydro-Québec slashes maintenance budget for James Bay Highway

Already infamous for its rough driving conditions, the James Bay Highway could present travellers with increasingly treacherous conditions in 2015 following a budgeting decision by Hydro-Québec. The Société de développement de la Baie-James (SDBJ), the government entity responsible for the maintenance of the 620-km long route, revealed in its annual report ... read more ››

Letter to the Editor: Current ten-year clause hurts Cree beneficiaries

Dear Editor of The Nation: We, as Cree beneficiaries and members of the Cree Nation of Chisasibi, are submitting a proposed resolution for a vote at the next Annual General Meeting of the Cree Nation Government. We are seeking your help in making Crees aware of the issue and generating supporting ... read more ››

Mistissini’s Third Annual Fitness Challenge offered chance to turn exercise into cash

It’s one thing to make fitness in the communities of the Cree Nation a priority. It’s another thing to make it competitive, which is what Mistissini’s Sports and Recreation Department attempted to do with its third annual Mistissini Fitness Challenge July 12-13. This year the competition featured over 40 adult competitors, ... read more ››

Mysterious vote count delays mar Mistissini elections

Usually, results from band council elections are made available in the hours following the closing of poll stations. But Mistissini voters had to wait almost two days to find out who was leading or elected in the first round of polling July 15. More than 27 hours after polls closed ... read more ››

Oujé-Bougoumou finally obtains formal recognition

Ouje Crees were forced to relocate their villages seven times over fifty years, with the last relocation occuring in 1970. Community members dispersed throughout their territory, establishing small encampments that consisted of makeshift dwellings, often just simple tent frames. A decades-long struggle finally became reality May 16 when Canada’s Privy Council ... read more ››

Preventing Cree Encephalitis and Leukoencephalopathy

While there are still many Crees who might not have ever heard of Cree Leukoencephalopathy (CLE) and Cree Encephalitis (CE), for the families whose lives have been touched by it, the scars may never heal. Both genetic disorders caused by a mutated gene, CLE and CE are serious brain (neurological) diseases ... read more ››

Stornaway breaks ground on Renard Mine project

As one mining camp near Mistissini closes, another one opens. The difference, of course, is that the closing camp – Strateco’s Matoush uranium camp – was a lightning rod for controversy. But there’s no opposition to Stornaway Diamond’s Renard mine, the first diamond mine in Quebec. When Premier Philippe Couillard flew ... read more ››

Val-d’Or Friendship Centre wins top honours

The Val-d’Or Native Friendship Centre received the 2014 National Award of Excellence earlier this month at the 43rd general annual assembly of the National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC). The award recognized the Val-d’Or centre’s outstanding performance in carrying out its mission, as well as the leadership association brought to urban ... read more ››

Whapmagoostui love

You know you’re getting old when everything turns into “a moment.” Every beautiful scene, cool breeze, old song, a certain smell turns emotional and it is in that split second that time stands still. I’ve been having a lot of those lately! And the best thing about this age is ... read more ››