Volume 6, Issue 6


February I marked the day that 15 youth and two guides set out on a two-month walk called “Journey Through the Heart of Eeyou/Eenou Estchee.” The walkers will be traveling to each community starting from Whapmagoostui and ending in Mistissini. Seeing the walkers off was Whapmagoostui Chief Matthew Mukash, Youth Grand ... read more ››


Bob Stevenson is one angry trapper. He thinks the Crees “sold out” Aboriginal rights, and especially points a finger at the Cree Trappers’ Association. The CTA played a big role in Canada’s fight against the European fur ban. Many believe Cree and Inuit lobbying was actually the main reason Europe backed ... read more ››

Alcohol and cold weather: a deadly mix

How our body responds to the cold when we are under the influence of alcohol Fantasy: We see it in movies. Fantasy No. I – A woman has been caught by an avalanche, she is freezing, and just as she is about to pass out, a great Saint Bernard arrives with ... read more ››

Indians don’t make the news anywhere in this country unless…

Indians don’t make the news anywhere in this country unless they come screaming out of their isolated worlds masked, armed with automatic weapons threatening to steal headlines and slowing down traffic for thousands of commuters. Like a lot of things in this life, it’s actually a blessing in disguise. At ... read more ››

Leghold ban violates Native rights: AFN

How much do you love your leghold traps? Are you willing to be arrested for them? If you’re one of the many trappers who’s still using a leghold trap, don’t worry. The game wardens aren’t coming for you. At least not yet. Trappers have eight years to switch over to a quick-kill ... read more ››

Sadie’s walk

The success of Sadie’s Walk last year in raising diabetes awareness in the Cree communities has the Cree Health Board gearing up for this year already. Last year more than 10 per cent of the Cree population showed up to walk. The Health Board says its success was due to ... read more ››


A lot of people complain about not enough quality time with loved ones. I think it’s something that you have to work for like everything else in this world. Not getting more time to do things but doing things with your time. As I started looking into time management and ... read more ››

Trappers struggle with “humane” traps

Across the land, most Native trappers have heard the news. Canada has agreed to ban the leghold trap and is trying to get trappers to switch over to quick-kill traps because of pressure from Europe. But can the new traps do the job? Will they have a big impact on the ... read more ››