Is your idea of romance putting the seat down for her after you’re done or is it more along the lines of writing a daily haiku for her in her honour? When she asks “what are you feeling?” Do you freeze up like a deer caught in the headlights? Ladies, is his idea of romance letting you have the tv remote once in awhile? Take this test and find out your romance level.

Note: If you are using the test in regard to your date/mate’s romantic gestures towards you, then the appropriate substitute would be “Does s/he…” at the beginning of each question.


Answer the following questions with a “Yes” or a “No”.

1. Do you regularly TELL your date/mate that you love him/her?

Yes No

2. Do you compliment your date/mate regularly?

Yes No

3. Do you really listen to your date/mate, and make them feel that you are genuinely interested in their thoughts and emotions?

Yes No

4. Do you ask your date/mate if there is anything that they would enjoy doing: like seeing a new film, going out to dinner, or going for a walk together?

Yes No

5. Do you encourage your date/mate to be open with you about their sexuality and desires?

Yes No


6. Do you ever send or give your date/mate flowers?

Yes No

7. Do you ever give your date/mate chocolates?

Yes No

8. Do you ever buy or wear lingerie for your date/mate?

Yes No

9. Do you write your date/mate love letters?

Yes No

10. Do you send your date/mate romantic cards?

Yes No

11. Do you express love to your date/mate the way s/he wishes to receive love?

Yes No

12. Do you provide “little surprises” for your date/mate, such as leaving love notes in unexpected places or recording sexy voice mails?

Yes No

13. Do you kiss your date/mate upon meeting and parting?

Yes No

14. Do you call your date/mate at work and tell them that you love or miss them?

Yes No

15. When you are away do you call your date/mate every day?

Yes No

16. Do you still “flirt” with your date/mate, no matter how long you have known each other?

Yes No

17. Do you make small gestures, such as offering backrubs or other special social or sexual activities that you know your date/mate enjoys?

Yes No

18. Do you still “court” your date/mate, treating them as if they are desirable and special?

Yes No

19. Do you have a ‘pet’ name for your date/mate?

Yes No

20. Do you sometimes wear clothing that you know your date/ mate finds attractive on you, just to please them?

Yes No

21. Do you wear certain perfumes or colognes because your date/ mate particularly likes them?

Yes No

22. Do you show interest in the activities/hobbies that your date/ mate enjoys?

Yes No

23. Do you encourage your date/mate to pursue their dreams?

Yes No


24. Do you express appreciation or gratitude for the “little things” your date/mate does for you?

Yes No

25. Do you try to make your date/mate feel as if they are the most important, wonderful person in the world?

Yes No

26. Do you make your date/mate feel as if you have eyes only for them?

Yes No

27. Do you treat your date/mate with the same level of admiration, consideration, and affection that you would like to receive?

Yes No

28. Do you speak highly of your partner to other people and/or tell others that you love him/her?

Yes No

29. Do you focus on your date/mate’s positive qualities more often than their negative ones?

Yes No

30. Do you remember important days, such as birthdays and anniversaries, and try to make them a special occasion for your date/ mate?

Yes No

31. Do you accept gifts from your date/mate graciously; expressing appreciation for the thought, even if you do not really care for the gift?

Yes No


32. Do you ever suggest a weekend trip away somewhere for love?

Yes No

33. Do you regularly “plan” or schedule time to spend exclusively with your date/mate?

Yes No

34. Do you hold hands or walk arm-in-arm when you are out?

Yes No

35. Do you like to slow dance?

Yes No

36. Do you like to go to quiet, romantic restaurants?

Yes No

37. Do you like walks on the beach or in the park with your date/ mate?

Yes No

38. Do you use soft music/candles/incense to set the mood for lovemaking?

Yes No

39. Do you ever spend a whole day in bed together with your date/mate?

Yes No

40. Do you ever spontaneously initiate lovemaking?

Yes No

41. Do you still occasionally “seduce” your date/mate, no matter how long you have known each other?

Yes No

42. Do you spend time after lovemaking just cuddling or talking with your date/mate?

Yes No

43. Do you give massages and/or backrubs or foot-rubs to your date/mate?

Yes No

44. Would you be willing to try unusual new erotic activities to please your date/mate, if asked? (i.e. role playing, light bondage, toys.etc.)

Yes No


45. Do you consider yourself to be a passionate and open-minded lover?

Yes No

46. Are you physically affectionate on a day-to-day basis?

Yes No

47. Do you like kissing a lot?

Yes No

48. Do you still feel “in love” no matter how long you have been with your mate?

Yes No

49. Do you daydream about being with your date/mate?

Yes No

50. Do you tend to enjoy books, poetry, music or movies that contain an element of passion or love?

Yes No

The Results

The Romance Test makes no judgements of your answers. The total number of “Yes” answers determines a percentile figure of romantic traits which you or your date/mate exhibit. It is hoped this will encourage you to express your feelings of love towards your partner on a daily basis to enhance the romance in your relationship.

75-100% “YES” Answers:

You’re the King or Queen of romance! Congratulations! We’re sure your partner must be most pleased with your attentions and affections. You obviously know how to express your feelings of love to your date/mate, which is one of the foundations for a successful relationship. Keep up the good work!

50-75% “YES” Answers:

Your results indicate that you are a pretty romantic person. You may want to strive to greater heights of romance by studying your results and putting in practice those things that you do not do on a regular basis. You may also want to talk to your date/mate about what s/her would like to receive from you in terms of expressions of love, and in turn, tell them what you appreciate from him/her in romantic gestures.

0-50% “YES” Answers:

Don’t go looking for a job at Hallmark Cards! It would appear that you need to look at yourself and how you express your feelings of love to your date/mate. Perhaps you have a difficult time expressing your feelings, or perhaps you merely don’t know how to. In the latter case, ask your date/mate what you could do that would show him/her how you feel. Definitely study your answers to the questions and start doing some of the things suggested. Also you may want to pick up a book or too on romance, love, flirting or relationships to get some hints. Romance is the ultimate example of giving being its own reward. And, we guarantee what you put out will come back for a win/win relationship.. Go for it!