Air Creebec’s latest competitor on the west coast of James Bay has gone out of business.

Keeshig Airlines, in operation for just a year, ceased its flights on August 10. It ran daily flights up the James Bay west coast.

That brings to five the number of rival airlines that have gone out of business on the west coast in the past three years, said Anne-Marie Farrington, marketing and operational support manager at Air Creebec.

“The demise of this airline has proved once again that there is room for only one airline in that market,” said Farrington.

“We have never practiced predatory pricing. It was their own operations that led to their demise,” she added.

Keeshig didn’t return our calls.

The Timmins Daily Press reported that Keeshig had 100 employees who will now be out of a job in five cities.

Abraham Hunter, chief of Peawanuck, told the paper he was disappointed because Keeshig offered more regular service and cheaper flights than Air Creebec.

But Farrington said Air Creebec’s prices “are exactly where they should be in that market.” She left open the possibility that Air Creebec may put on more flights up the west coast “if that is required.”