I went down to the demonstration. To get my fair share of abuse. Actually it wouldn’t really qualify as abuse if a Royal Commission were called on it. The only thing the cop did was herd a colleague and everybody else into the left lane of the street we injuns were marching on peacefully.
After a nation wide call from the United Indigenous Nations,(the body formerly known as the Assembly Of First Nations,)one hundred, give or take a few, protesters gathered at a park in downtown Montreal to tell the general public what they think of the government and its inaction on the recent Royal Commission recommendations. I don’t know what the idea behind the AFN’s name change is. It’s not like it will really change anything. I mean the governments will not suddenly wake up and realize they’ve been wrong about us these past 500 years. I would have changed my name years ago if name changes were any help. Come to think of it…I could have avoided all those years of stupid singer jokes if I had changed my name. But that’s just minor. Sorry about veering so far off whatever topic I was on but the printer’s going to be here in 15 minutes and I’m starting to panic.
Mohawk Chief Billy Two Rivers and Ghislain Picard addressed the large placard carrying group with a bullhorn and microphones in their faces from the many representatives from the local media. Once the speeches were done away with someone led the gathering down DeMaisonneuve street to Place Du Canada. Once there, a shot rang out!…I’m sorry…that was last weekend. I actually had to leave before we got to our destination because of other pressing matters. Namely, Winnipeg, where I will visit next week to look into the horrendous stories coming out of the mainstream media about gangs, violence, fetal alcohol syndrome and others ugly things. Join us in Winnipeg next issue.
The first report of a goose killed came from Wemindji this year. The mighty hunter, we are told is Danny Tomatuk. A source in the community thinks the goose was a stray left behind from the previous year because it didn’t look very appetizing.
The Judge known as “The Sphinx”, Albert Malouf passed away last week at his home in Montreal. Malouf was the judge who granted an injunction stopping construction of the LG-2 complex in the early 70’s. It was overturned a week later by more powerful people.
Photo Celebrity Contest: Rising Cree Star, yes, Star with a capital S, Erland Campbell partied backstage with Rock Legend Bryan Ferry, lead singer of Roxy Music (if you must ask.) in Toronto. He argues the photo should receive ten points for the reason that he is Bryan Ferry’s biggest fan who has inspired and continues to inspire Erland to write songs. I think Ferry deserves a 7.5 though so we’ll leave it at that. Listen for his compositions on your local FM radio. And will be featured in a TV horror/action/comedy movie due out soon. Erland has me held hostage and is leaning over my shoulder as I write this, helppp! ! ! ! ! ! By the way, Erland says, “Hi.” and, “what’s sta matta?!”