The Grand Council of the Crees and the Cree Regional Authority met for three days in the gymnasium of the the Luke Mettaweskum School in Nemaska this past August.
The heads of the Cree entities presented their reports on events from the past year. They and the delegates feasted under a bigtop tent, and greeted a Youth canoe brigade when they landed on the shore of Champion Lake.
As always, the final day of the assembly was reserved for the tabling of resolutions. Some notable resolutions passed dealt with the shortage of doctors in Eeyou Istchee, the issuing of leases to non-natives in Cree territory, an access road for Whapmagoostui, and increasing the term of office for the Chairperson of the Cree Health Board.
The assembly agreed to meet in Eastmain the following year.
Printed in detail below are most of the 35 resolutions passed by the assembly this year.
Resolution # 2001-08 Forest Fire Protection in Eeyou istchee
WHEREAS the Cree communities of Eeyou Istchee have experienced the effects of the discriminatory policies of the Quebec government with regards to fire protection;
WHEREAS as according to a general policy of the Quebec government only the areas designated as commercially viable wood harvesting zones (under the CAAF agreements) are protected against forest fires;
WHEREAS the Cree communities are provided forest fire protection assistance on an irregular basis when the threat of an approaching forest fire is with 1.5 km of a community and not before;
WHEREAS when the forementioned forest fire threat occurs the Cree community is often already in an evacuation phase;
WHEREAS the forest fire protection policy described herein is wholly unsatisfactory to the Cree nation:
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou lstchee)/Cree Regional Authority begin discussions with the Quebec government to change their forest fire protection policies to adequately serve the Cree communities of Eeyou Istchee;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees /Cree Regional Authority seek the necessary resources to develop an action plan whereby there will be fire fighting measures put into action when a fire is detected within a defined radius of the Cree communities (15 km);
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees /Cree Regional Authority seek the necessary resources to provide those communities that wish to fight forest fires on category l,ll or III lands with adequate financial resources to do so;
# 2001-09 Multifunctional Complex • Nemaska
WHEREAS the Cree Nation of Nemaska is in the process of constructing a Multifunctional Complex within the community to meet its social and recreational needs;
WHEREAS Phase I of the development of the Multifunctional Complex has begun with the construction of an arena with funds secured from the Quebec government through the MOU process and with funds from the Board of Compensation;
WHEREAS Phase II entails the construction of an adjoining facility to the arena also partially funded through the fore mentioned MOU process;
WHEREAS projections indicate there will be a substantial shortfall of funding for the Multifunctional Complex which is to be completed in the year 2002;
WHEREAS the community representatives and delegates who have together for the 27th Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees / 24th Annual General Assembly of the Cree Regional Authority express their support for the completion of the Multifunctional Complex;
THAT Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority do all things necessary to assist in securing sufficient funding from the Federal government to complete the Multifunctional Complex and to reimburse the Cree funds that have been expended for the Multifunctional Complex thus far;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority further seek to secure sufficient animation, operations and maintenance funding for the Multifunctional Complex.
# 2001-10 Public Support for Cree fight against Forestry -Richard Desjardins and L’Action Boréale
and of great significance;
WHEREAS the Cree Nation further recognizes that, the present forestry practices continue to threaten Eeyou Istchee, the boreal forest and numerous areas of great historical and cultural value;
WHEREAS the Cree Nation also recognizes that, many other groups and citizens share the concerns of the Cree people about forestry and the impacts of unchecked forestry practices on the environment and the people;
THAT the Cree Nation hereby acknowledges and recognizes the sustained efforts and work of Mr. Richard Desjardins and l’Action boréale in their continued struggle to protect the boreal forests;
THAT the Cree Nation hereby expresses its solidarity and support for l’Action boréale d’Abitibi-Témiscamingue’s efforts and further encourages and joins its call for a moratorium against any forestry operations in the Kanasuta sanctuary given the historical and cultural significance of the area;
THAT the Cree Forestry Working Group coordinate its efforts with those of Mr. Richard Desjardins and l’Action Boréale whenever possible;
THAT the Grand Chief/Chairman and the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority be hereby mandated to do all things necessary to give effect to the foregoing.
# 2001-11 Reports of the Cree Naskapi Commission
WHEREAS the Cree Naskapi Commission, since its establishment, has prepared seven biennial reports in accordance with Section 171 of the Cree- Naskapi ( of Quebec ) Act;
WHEREAS the findings and recommendations in the reports of the Commission primarily deal with the issues and concerns of Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee ( as well as those of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach ) as determined pursuant to public consultations and hearings at which the Eeyouch as well as the Government of Canada through the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs made known their views and concerns respecting the implementation of the Act and related matters;
WHEREAS the past and present reports of the Cree Naskapi Commission encompass findings and recommendations respecting the implementation of and amendments to the Cree-Naskapi ( of Quebec ) Act. implementation of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement and the Northeastern Quebec Agreement and community issues;
WHEREAS the reports of the Cree Naskapi Commission have been tabled in each House of Parliament so that the Government of Canada may take appropriate and positive action on the findings and recommendations of the Commission arising from treaty obligations and its legislation – the Cree- Naskapi ( of Quebec ) Act;
WHEREAS the Government of Canada has failed or refuses to respond, in a comprehensive manner, to the past and present findings and recommendations of the Cree Naskapi Commission; and
WHEREAS the Eeyou local government and Eeyou regional authorities have responsibilities to initiate and implement measures to ensure the advancement of Eeyou rights and Eeyou Governance;
THAT Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee acting through the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority supports and endorses, in principle, the findings and recommendations of the Cree Naskapi Commission as described in the past and present reports of the Commission;
THAT, in particular, Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee supports and accepts the findings and recommendations of the Commission respecting:
THAT The immediate establishment of a meaningful and effective process for the review and proper implementation of and appropriate amendments to the Cree-Naskapi ( of Quebec ) Act;
THAT The establishment of a new relationship between Eeyou and Canada pursuant to a redefinition of Eeyou Governance and the spirit and intent of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement;
THAT The Government of Canada enact a Treaty Implementation Act and a Policy Management Accountability Act in collaboration with Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee; and
THAT The fair settlement of the common and specific issues of the Eeyou communities as identified and described in the reports of the Commission.
THAT the Government of Canada fulfill its responsibilities and respond, in a comprehensive manner, to the findings and recommendations of the Commission as described in the past and present reports of the Cree-Naskapi Commission;
THAT the local and regional Eeyou authorities and governments review, consider and respond to the findings and recommendations of the Commission for the advancement of Eeyou rights and Eeyou Governance and for the fair and just settlement of community issues and concerns; and
THAT the local and regional Eeyou authorities and governments take all measures useful and necessary to give effect to the foregoing.
# 2001-12 Issuance of teases by MNR of Eeyou Istchee territory
WHEREAS there are many private cabins and dwellings being constructed throughout Eeyou Istchee by non-native individuals and that these structures and the activities of their “owners” and occupants are disturbing traditional Cree activities such as but not limited to hunting, trapping and fishing;
WHEREAS the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources is granting leases or permits to individuals to build the fore mention cabins or dwelling without consultation to the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/ Cree Regional Authority, local Band Councils or the tallymen;
WHEREAS the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources is failing to protect the Cree way of life as constitutionally guaranteed under the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement by ignoring the damage it is causing by issuing leases or permits indiscriminately throughout Eeyou Istchee;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority require the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources to undertake a complete inventory of all outfitting and private lease or permits granted throughout the entire Cree territory;
THAT the fore mentioned inventory be forwarded to the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority and the local Band Councils as soon as possible;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority seek a moratorium on the granting of further leases or permits on Eeyou Istchee until the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources undertakes to issue such leases or permits in a manner consistent with Cree aboriginal and constitutional rights and interests.
# 2001-13 Awarding of Contracts in Eeyou Istchee
WHEREAS there are many companies throughout Eeyou Istchee that
are owned and operated by Crees capable of undertaking a wide variety of projects;
WHEREAS subparagraph 28.10.3 of the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement provides:
28.10.3 For projects initiated or conducted by Canada or Quebec or their agencies, delegates, or contractors, and for projects by any proponent a major purpose of which is to provide goods or services to or for the benefit of Cree communities the governments shall take all reasonable measures to establish Cree priority in respect to employment and contracts created by such projects:
b) in respect to contracts arising from such projects, including requirements that the proponents:
i) design contract packages to provide to the Crees a reasonable opportunity to submit competitive tenders;
ii) post calls for tenders in a public place in all Cree communities on the date on which the general public is made aware of such calls for tenders;
iii) set the date, location, terms and conditions for tendering so that Cree individuals or groups may reply with reasonable ease.
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority begin discussions with the Federal and Quebec government and their agencies to negotiate a manner through which they can respect their obligations towards the Crees of Eeyou Istchee with regards to the awarding of contracts;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority be and is hereby further mandated to remind through written notice all developers/proponents of projects that they must first consider Cree companies, individuals, professionals and contractors for any work carried out in Eeyou Istchee.
# 2001-14 Funding for the Council of Chisayouch
WHEREAS the Eeyou/ Eenou Elders are the holders and protectors of Eeyou/ Eenou traditional knowledge and wisdom;
WHEREAS the Elders should and must participate in a significant way as advisors at the regional and local levels of government, in all areas, and to Eeyou/ Eenou entities that deal with the well being of Eeyou/ Eenou in general;
WHEREAS the financial resources available to the Eeyou/ Eenou have decreased and the requests and needs have increased substantially;
WHEREAS the Eeyou/ Eenou Elders have made numerous requests to the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou lstchee)/Cree Regional Authority for funding or assistance in acquiring sufficient funding to help the Council of Chisayouch fulfill their mandates as protectors of Eeyou/ Eenou traditional knowledge and wisdom;
WHEREAS the Council of Chisayouch tabled a resolution which was unanimously adopted as resolution 2000-10 at the 2000 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou lstchee)/Cree Regional Authority calling for the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/ Cree Regional Authority to make annual provisions in its budget for the Council of Chisayouch;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority immediately take the necessary steps to implement the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority Annual General Assembly Resolution 2000-10 and resolutions of previous General Assemblies proposed and tabled by the Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority further undertake steps to recognize the important role and status of the Council of Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee;
Resolution #2001-Draft HIV/AIDS Awareness
WHEREAS in the year of 1999 there was a 91% increase in the number of Aboriginal people living with HIV in Canada;
WHEREAS in the Eeyou Istchee the sexually transmitted disease rate is 6 to 10 times higher than in the general Canadian population;
WHEREAS it is essential to take immediate action involving Crees throughout Eeyou Istchee to prevent HIV from become a devastating epidemic in our communities;
WHEREAS HIV/AIDS indiscriminately strikes men, women, children, youths, infants and elders regardless of their place of residence, sexual orientation and beliefs;
WHEREAS certain social, economic and historical conditions have enhanced Aboriginal vulnerability to the main HIV risk factors, including migration to and from the communities, regular access to major cities, alcohol and drug abuse, violence and others;
THAT in order to promote the health and well-being of the Crees of Eeyou Istchee, the fight against HIV/AIDS be identified as a major priority in a holistic approach to health;
THAT in light of the foregoing the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority and the Local Band Councils make a commitment to;
Promote the acquisition and dissemination of appropriate knowledge;
• Encourage initiatives aimed at preventing transmission risks;
Incorporating the fight against HIV/AIDS into the development of healthy communities.
Resolution # 2001-16 Implementation of the Firearms Act by the Cree Trappers’ Association
WHEREAS the Cree Trappers’ Association have made considerable efforts in attempting to implement the Canadian Firearms Act in Eeyou Istchee as a means of promoting safety awareness with regards to the use of firearms;
WHEREAS the Cree Trappers’ Association has qualified human resources but lack the financial resources to administer certain provisions of the Firearms Act such as the Canadian Firearms Safety Course;
WHEREAS the Cree Trappers’ Association has participated in the negotiation of a memorandum of understanding concerning short term measures for implementing the Firearms Act in Eeyou Istchee;
THAT the Cree Trappers’ Association further its efforts with the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority to negotiate a memorandum of understanding to implement the Firearms Act in Eeyou Istchee in a manner consistent with Cree Aboriginal and constitutional rights;
THAT the Cree Trappers’ Association be the primary administrative vehicle for implementing the Firearms Act in Eeyou Istchee through the afore mention memorandum of understanding.
Resolution # 2001-17 Representation in Negotiations for Housing Funding and Major Capital Projects
WHEREAS the housing situation in Eeyou Istchee is in a situation of crisis due to the severe shortage of housing and the poor state of houses already in existence;
WHEREAS the issue of housing is an important local concern in each Cree community of Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS to properly negotiate any solution to the current housing crisis it is essential to have strong local representation by individuals representing Cree interests, who have first hand knowledge of the current situation in the communities;
THAT in any discussions between the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority and the Federal government or the Quebec government on the housing crisis in Eeyou Istchee and major capital projects the Chief of each community must be included in those discussions;
THAT the Grand Chief of Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority and Bill Namagoose the Executive Director of the Grand Council of the Crees do all things necessary to implement the decision contained herein.
Resolution # 2001-18 Development of Natural Resources on Eeyou Istchee
WHEREAS the Crees have the right to the full and effective enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms including those set out in international instruments and under international law;
WHEREAS the Crees have the right of self-determination and by virtue of that right, they may freely determine their political status and may freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development;
WHEREAS the Crees have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development or use of Cree traditional lands and territories and other resources, including the right to require Canada and Quebec to seek and obtain Cree consent prior to the approval of any project affecting Cree traditional lands, territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of mineral, water, forestry or other resources;
WHEREAS on the basis of these principles it is appropriate and expedient to enter into discussions with the appropriate government authorities concerning the participation involvement and prior consent of the Crees in relation to natural resources development on or affecting Cree traditional lands, territories or resources;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees through the Grand Chief be and is hereby instructed to seek discussions with the appropriate government authorities concerning the participation, involvement and prior consent of the Crees in relation to natural resources development on or affecting Cree traditional lands, territories or resources.
Resolution #2001-19 Master Plan for Eeyou Governance of Natural Resources
WHEREAS Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee have held a Special General Assembly on Natural Resources in Waskaganish on June 19-21,2001;
WHEREAS Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee at the said general assembly have determined important recommendations respecting the ownership, management and control of natural resources in Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS the Grand Council of Crees of Eeyou Istchee / Cree Regional Authority through the Cree Nation Working Group on Cree Governance was mandated to develop an action plan for the implementation of the recommendations arising from the said special General Assembly;
THAT the general plan of action entitled ‘Eeyou Stewardship, Guardianship, and Custodianship of Eeyou Istchee and Natural Resources’ be and it is hereby adopted and accepted for elaboration, and development as a master plan for full presentation to Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee;
THAT the master plan for Eeyou Governance over land and natural resources of Eeyou Istchee be presented to Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee at a Special Sitting of the Eeyou Legislature in early 2002;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority through the Working Group on Eeyou Governance elaborate and fully develop the master plan on Eeyou Governance of our land and natural resources of Eeyou Istchee.
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority be and they are authorized and mandated to take all measures and useful to give effect to the foregoing;
Resolution #2001-20 Working Group on Eeyou Governance and Draft Declaration on Eeyou Governance
WHEREAS Eeyou (Eeyou nation) of Eeyou Istchee, by resolution of the 1995 General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority (GCCEI/CRA) and subsequent General Assemblies and Council Board meeting of the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority and the special sitting of the Eeyou Legislature in 1995 have determined the objective of establishing the Cree Nation Government of Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS in 1995, the Grand Council of the Crees has established, by resolution, the Cree Nation Government Working Group, which has a general mandate to act as a consultative, advisory, coordinating and recommending body to Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee on matters relating to the definition, constitution and implementation of the Cree Nation Government;
WHEREAS At the 1999/2000 Annual General Assembly of the GCCEI/CRA, the Eeyou Nation has called for a Declaration on Eeyou Governance and Self-determination to be considered at the present General Assembly;
WHEREAS in 2000/2001, the said Working Group conducted the first phase of public consultation on the drafting of the said Declaration and on Eeyou Governance /self-determination in general;
WHEREAS a draft Declaration on Eeyou governance/self-determination has been tabled at this Assembly for consideration by the Eeyouch;
WHEREAS there is a need to change the name of the Cree Nation Government Working Group to a more appropriate name.
WHEREAS there is a need to review the membership of the said Working Group;
THAT the Cree Nation Government Working Group shall now be referred to as: “Working Group on Eeyou Governance”;
THAT the tabling of the draft Declaration on Eeyou Governance is hereby acknowledged and accepted, and that said draft Declaration is presented to the Eeyou nation for discussion purposes only;
THAT the said Working Group in consultation with the Eeyouch and the Eeyou leadership prepare a final draft of the said Declaration and present it to a Special Sitting of the Eeyou Legislature, hereby called for to be held in the winter of 2001/2002;
THAT the GCCEI/CRA Board/Council be and is hereby directed to:
• Determine the dates and place for the said Special Sitting of the Eeyou Legislature;
To review the final draft of the said Declaration before being presented to the Special Sitting of the Eeyou Legislature.
• To review the membership of the Working Group in Eeyou Governance and to consider appointing one member of each Eeyou community’s local task force;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/ Cree Regional Authority take all measures useful and necessary to give effect to the foregoing.
• 2001-21 Support for CTA ndoho cabins program and trapper training program
WHEREAS the Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee have received a request for them to support a program for the provision of trappers’ cabins in Eeyou Istchee and to assist in the seeking of funding to continue the said program for the trappers; .
WHEREAS the Youth of Eeyou Istchee have requested the continuation of the trappers’ training program for the Youth of Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS the Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee recognize the need for the continuation of the ndoho cabins and trapper training program.
THAT the Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee do hereby call on the whole Eeyou Nation to do all things necessary to have the said program continue for the benefit of the present and future generations of our ndoho Eeyou of Eeyou Istchee;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority in collaboration with the Ndoho Eeyouch, Cree Trappers’ Association and the Cree School Board take all measures necessary to seek sufficient financial resources for the continuation of the afore mentioned program;
THAT furthermore the Youth of Eeyou Istchee be involved at all levels of discussions to implement the afore said program.
WHEREAS Nunavik is said to include the whole territory north of the 55th parallel in Quebec, except for Category 1A and 1B lands of the Eeyouch (Crees) of Whapmagoostui and Category 1B-N la,nds of the Naskapis;
WHEREAS the Commission’s Report fails to take into account that Nunavik overlaps with a significant portion of Eeyou traditional territory, Eeyou Istchee, raising a number of major and far-reaching concerns for the Eeyou Nation of Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS during negotiations of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA), the federal and Quebec governments refused to recognize that the Eeyouch (Crees) and Inuit had any Aboriginal rights of any kind, including self-government;
WHEREAS self-government was not included as part of the federal comprehensive claims policy in 1975, although the creation of some Eeyou regional and local structures was allowed;
WHEREAS the only Eeyou rights that the Quebec and federal governments are prepared to negotiate far-ranging self-government arrangements with Inuit to the virtual exclusion of the Eeyouch of Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS this impending loss of Eeyou traditional territory and Eeyou rights is all the more serious, since the integrity of Eeyou territory has been, and continues to be, severely undermined by the Quebec and federal governments;
WHEREAS past and present violations of, and threats to, Eeyou territory and basic Eeyou rights include:
in the early 1970s, the theft of Eeyou (Cree) traditional lands south of the 55th parallel, when Quebec unilaterally created on Eeyou territory a massive “municipality” administered by the Société de development de la Baie James (SDBJ);
• the current refusal of the federal government to fully recognize Eeyou rights and jurisdiction in the offshore portions of Eeyou Istchee; and
• ongoing dear-cutting and other activities by the forestry industry in Eeyou Istchee, with federal and Quebec approval, causing far-reaching and irresponsible damage to wildlife, Eeyou harvesting, and the eco-sy^tem as a whole;
WHEREAS past and present actions by the federal and Quebec governments underline the need for full and effective exercise of Eeyou powers, especially in relation to the management and protection of the environment and resources within all parts of Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS any dispossessions of Eeyou territory and denials of Eeyou rights in overlapping areas within Nunavik do not simply affect the rights of Eeyouch of Whapmagoostui, but impact on the inherent rights of the Eeyou Nation as whole;
WHEREAS the overlap portion of Eeyou Istchee within Nunavik has essential economic, social, cultural, spiritual, political and environmental significance to the Eeyouch;
WHEREAS to date, Nunavik Inuit and their regional organizations have not adequately accommodated Eeyou concerns, particularly those relating to caribou commercialization and sports hunting;
WHEREAS since 1975, Makivik Corporation has failed to negotiate an agreement respecting the harvesting rights of the Feyouch of Whapmagoostui within the “Inuit area of primary interest”, as required under s.24.13.6 of the JBNQA;
WHEREAS within the overlap portion of Nunavik, any new arrangements relating to self-government and related matters – including the sharing, control, management and development of lands, waters and other resources – must be subject to the principles of full and effective Eeyou participation and Eeyou consent;
WHEREAS it is urgent that the Eeyouch of Eeyou Istchee take the necessary steps to safeguard Eeyou territory and rights within the overlapping areas, since the Nunavik Commission Report recommends that negotiations with Inuit on a new Nunavik government and Assembly begin in September 2001, with a final agreement to be reached by February 2003;
WHEREAS any new agreement affecting the overlap areas in Nunavik is likely to have impacts on Eeyou jurisdiction and rights that are virtually irreversible, since Inuit rights under such agreement are likely to receive constitutional protection;
WHEREAS the Eeyou Peoples have not been requested to give up the pre-existing right of self-government in any area of Eeyou Istchee and have never agreed to surrender such right (assuming this were even possible);
WHEREAS the right of self-government Is an essential aspect of the Eeyou right of self-determination, which is an inalienable human right;
WHEREAS most of these concerns were raised in joint written and oral presentations of the Grand Council of the Crees and the Eeyouch of Whapmagoostui, but were virtually ignored or unjustly dismissed by the Nunavik Commission;
WHEREAS the Eeyouch of the Whapmagoostui First Nation have passed a WFN members are formally confirming their request for the support of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee for the protection of Eeyou traditional territory and rights;
THAT the members of the Grand Council of the Crees and Cree Regional Authority hereby express their support for the request of the Eeyouch of the Whapmagoostui First Nation for the protection of its traditional territory and rights from the potential serious implications of the Nunavik Commission Report;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees is hereby mandated to take the necessary steps to safeguard the integrity of Eeyou traditional territory and Eeyou Rights for both present and future generations;
THAT in particular, in the overlap areas within Nunavik, the Grand Council act in conjunction with the Eeyouch of Whapmagoostui, Chisasibi, Wemindji, and Eastmain in regard to the following:
• communicate in writing all relevant Eeyou positions – arising from the fact that the Eeyou Nation of Eeyou Istchee has overlapping self-government rights in Nunavik – to both the federal and Quebec governments, as well as Makivik Corporation and other regional entities involved in the Nunavik Political Accord of November 1999;
• examine in detail the recommendations of the Nunavik Commission Report, in order to determine the nature and scope of potential violations of Eeyou Treaty rights;
• arrange for negotiations to proceed on an agreement respecting the harvesting rights of the Eeyouch of Whapmagoostui with the “Inuit area of primary interest”, as required under s.24.13.6 of the JBNQA;
• ensure respect for the principles of full and effective Eeyou participation and Eeyou consent concerning any new arrangements relating to self-government and related matters;
• in particular, secure a full and adequate Eeyou role in the sharing, control, management and development of lands, water and other resources in overlap areas;
• urge the federal government to apply an equitable and just approach to overlapping rights in Nunavik, as part of the federal comprehensive claims policy; and
in carrying out the above steps, emphasize the profound relationship of the Eeyou with lands, waters, resources and environment in Eeyou Istchee;
THAT in defending and promoting Eeyou self-government rights and jurisdiction in overlap areas, the Grand Council should seek to maintain good relations with the Inuit of Kuujjuarapik and other Nunavik Inuit;
THAT in view of the growing challenges relating to Eeyou self-government, the Grand Council should take active steps to develop principles in Cree governance and a Cree constitution and, at the same time, devise related strategies to ensure that the Crees have an adequate land and resource base.
THAT the Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief are directed to do all things necessary and useful to give effect to the foregoing.
# 2001-25 Establishment of a Regional Rent-to-own Residential Housing Program
WHEREAS the Eeyouch of the Whapmagoostui First Nation are presently limited to renting residences from the Whapmagoostui First Nation through Section 56.1 of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Program;
WHEREAS the Eeyouch of the Whapmagoostui First Nation are desirous of owning their own homes that are located within Category 1A lands of the Whapmagoostui First Nation;
WHEREAS the Eeyouch of the Whapmagoostui First Nation believe that the Eeyouch of other communities in Eeyou Istchee are desirous of owning the residences they are presently renting from their respective First Nations;
WHEREAS the creation of a broad based rent-to-own housing program would facilitate residential housing purchasing within the Category 1A lands of all Eeyou Communities;
WHEREAS the Eeyouch of the Whapmagoostui First Nation deem it desirable that, with the organizational and financial support of the Cree Regional Authority and the Board of Compensation, all Eeyou First Nations in Eeyou Istchee collaborate and cooperate on the establishment of a residential housing rent-to-own program to assist all Eeyou beneficiaries domiciled in Category 1A lands;
THAT the members of the Grand Council of the Crees and Cree Regional Authority hereby express their support for the proposal submitted by the Whapmagoostui First Nation for the establishment of a regional rent-to-own residential housing program;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and the Cree Regional Authority are hereby mandated to provide organizational and financial support for the creation, establishment, implementation and efficient functioning of the regional rent-to-own residential housing program;
THAT the Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief are directed to do all things necessary and useful to give effect to the foregoing.
# 2001-26 Conference on Sexual Abuse
WHEREAS the delegates to the Twenty-seventh Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and the Twenty-fourth Annual General Assembly of the Cree Regional Authority acknowledge that sexual abuse exists in Eeyou Istchee; and
WHEREAS there is an essential need to address and eliminate the far-ranging and far-reaching negative impacts of sexual abuse in Eeyou Istchee in order for healing to commence at various levels, including the individual, family, community and the Eeyou Nation;
WHEREAS the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay has a responsibility, through its department of social services, to effectively address sexual abuse (among other social issues) but has not significantly done so;
THAT the members of the Grand Council of the*Crees and the Cree Regional Authority hereby acknowledge and recognize the importance of effectively addressing sexual abuse in Eeyou Istchee and taking steps toward its elimination;
THAT the members believe that a regional conference on sexual abuse would be beneficial in creating more public awareness about the devastating impacts of sexual abuse on the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical well-being of Eeyou individuals and families and would help initiate a process of individual and collective healing;
THAT the present Assembly hereby mandates the Grand Council of the Crees to ensure that a regional conference on sexual abuse takes place in Eeyou Istchee within the fiscal year 2001/2002.
THAT the Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief are hereby directed to do all things necessary and useful to give effect to the foregoing.
P 2001-27 Health and Social Service Centre – Wemindji and Mistissini
WHEREAS the community members of Wemindji have signed a petition concerning the poor and dilapidated state of health care and social services facilities in their community;
WHEREAS the foresaid petition demonstrates that there is an urgent need for the construction of a suitable Health and Social Services Centre in order to provide adequate health care services to the community of Wemindji which has a growing population requiring facilities far superior than what is currently available;
WHEREAS the community of Mistissini has also expressed the urgent need for the construction of a suitable health and social services centre in order to provide adequate health and social services;
WHEREAS the current conditions of the health and social services facilities of the communities are completely inadequate and do not meet the needs of the communities of the growing population;
WHEREAS the health and welfare of all Cree is an urgent concern for all Cree entities;
THAT Cree Board of Health and Social Services and the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority undertake all measures necessary to ensure that suitable and adequate Health and Social Services centers are constructed in the communities of Wemindji and Mistissini as soon as possible.
# 2001-28 Traditional Pursuits Program
WHEREAS in 1992, 1993, and 1994 the Cree Trappers Association administered a Cree trappers training Traditional Pursuits Program funded by the Government of Quebec and Cree School Board;
WHEREAS the Traditional Pursuits Program was strongly supported and well received by the Cree communities, in particular by the Cree youth;
WHEREAS the Traditional Pursuits Program was implemented to promote, preserve and enhance the Cree way of life, values and culture;
WHEREAS the Traditional Pursuits Program could not achieve its full objectives due to the funding withdrawal on the part of the Government of Quebec, but that however the Cree School Board continued to fund the Program with limited resources available;
WHEREAS it necessary to revive the Traditional Pursuits Program due to the urgent and pressing needs of the Cree youth today, in particular it is now more critical due to the passing away of Cree elders to preserve Cree traditional knowledge and cultural skills;
WHEREAS it is also necessary and urgent to restructure the Program to take into account the changes in Cree society, language and culture;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees , Cree Regional Authority, Cree Trappers Association, Cree School Board, Cree Nation Youth Council and the Chisayouch Elders Council in conjunction with the collective effort of the Cree First Nations of Eeyou Istchee, fully support the urgent reestablishment of the Traditional Pursuits Program;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees of Eeyou Istchee, Cree Regional Authority are hereby mandated to ensure a Cree political representative be appointed to the Cree School Board and the Ministry of Quebec negotiations on Cree adult education;
THAT the Grand Council of the Cnees of Eeyou Istchee, Cree Regional Authority, Cree Trappers Association are further mandated to provide Cree professional and all technical assistance in the development of a new Traditional Pursuits Program;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees, Cree Regional Authority, and the Cree School Board are hereby mandated to carry out all things necessary and useful to give effect to the foregoing.
# 2001-29 Support for the financing of the Radiance of the Morning Sun Centre (Km 372) Project
WHEREAS based on the positive conclusions of a feasibility study completed in April 2001, the Weapenicappo family and Wabannuatao Eeyou Development Corporation (“the promoters”) are continuing the development of the Radiance of the Morning Sun Centre (Km 372) Project (“the project”);
WHEREAS due to the location of the Project at Km 372 of the Matagami – LG-2 highway, it should provide benefits for the entire region;
WHEREAS the Promoters must raise one and a half million dollars ($1,500,000.00) for their share of the costs of the Project;
THAT the Members of the 2001 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority support the Promoters in their efforts to complete the Project and in their request for funding support;
THAT the Board of Compensation and James Bay Eeyou Corporation be recommended to contribute grant funding of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) each for the Promoters’ share of the costs of the Project.
# 2001-30 Accountability of Local Representatives of the Cree Health Board and increasing the term of office of the Chairman
WHEREAS the people of Eeyou Istchee recognize the need for greater accountability of the local representatives of the Cree Health Board;
WHEREAS the people of Eeyou Istchee require a strong voice on all matters concerning the healing process of the people of Eeyou Istchee:
WHEREAS the Eeyou Nations concerns on healing fail to be heard by the Quebec and Federal government;
WHEREAS an extension of the length of office of the Chairperson of the Cree Health Board is needed to give that individual a better opportunity to monitor and implement initiatives concerning thé healing process administered by the Cree Health Board;
THAT the Cree Health Board be and is hereby mandate to begin the restructuring of its governing body to require greater accountability of the local representatives on the Cree Health Board and that a task force be established by the Cree Health Board to oversee this initiative;
THAT the Cree Health Board be and is hereby mandated to take the necessary measures to amend the required electoral bylaws in order to extend the term of office for the chairperson to a 3 year term.
# 2001-31 Traditional Concepts of Healing
THAT the Cree Health Board be and is hereby mandated to initiate discussions with the Quebec and Federal government to communicate to them the importance of including traditional concepts of healing within the current delivery of health and social services in Eeyou Istchee.
# 2001-32 Mandate to the Cree Health Board to create a cross cultural exchange program for non-native employees
WHEREAS the members of the Eeyou Istchee recognize the need for Eeyou knowledge to be passed to the non-native employees of the Cree Health Board as part of a qualification to be eligible for employment with the Cree Health Board;
WHEREAS there is a need for understanding on behalf of the nonnative employees of the spiritual, natural and customary laws of the Eeyou;
WHEREAS the sharing of the Eeyou system of values and beliefs with the non-native staff of the Cree Health Board would bring harmony to the Cree Health Board workforce;
THAT the Eeyou Nation gathered for the 27®’ Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees acknowledge the need to express Eeyou Heritage to all non-native employees working for Eeyou institutions and organizations;
THAT the Cree Health Board is hereby mandated to create a cross cultural exchange program as soon as possible.
# 2001-33 Past Resolutions of General Assemblies -Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee
WHEREAS the Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee have been informed that resolutions passed at Eeyou Nation General Assemblies in the past have not been implemented or acted upon to the knowledge of the Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee;
WHEREAS the Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee have not been informed of what action has been taken concerning the aforementioned resolutions proposed by the Chisayouch of Eeyou Istchee;
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority be and hereby mandated to ensure that action is taken to implement all previous resolutions passed, present and future General Assemblies of the Eeyou Nation and that all parties affected by the resolutions are informed accordingly;
THAT the Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief be and are hereby mandated to ensure the implementation of the present resolution.
# 2001-34 Permanent Access Road to Waskaganish
WHEREAS the Permanent Access Road to Waskaganish is under construction, as per Agreements 68-128 and 68-133 signed with the Ministry of Transportation (MTQ);
WHEREAS the Permanent Access Road is being constructed by the Waskaganish First Nation (WFN);
WHEREAS the budget for the construction of the road is $45 million: $4.5 million (agreement 68-128) and $40.5 million (agreement 68-133);
WHEREAS last September and October it was identified that the project would encompass a $5-6 million cost overrun;
WHEREAS on November 3, 2000, the MTQ has requested that the WFN interrupt the work until an agreement has been reached regarding the funding of the cost overrun;
WHEREAS the construction of this 103 km road started from both extremities proceeding toward the centre (km 50);
WHEREAS kilometers 0 to 30 still require placement of base course;
WHEREAS kilometers 50 to 103 are almost completed;
WHEREAS between kilometers 30 to 50 the uncompleted subgrade platform is exposed to traffic;
WHEREAS the following problems are being observed at the following llocations:
Kilometers 0 to 30 the base course (MG-80) is too rough for
• Kilometers 50 to 103 there is an obvious lack of maintenance;
Kilometers 30 to 50 the surface material is loose causing
insufficient stability.
WHEREAS the safety of the users is not duly assured;
WHEREAS the use of the road by regular traffic is essential to ensure delivery of goods and access to services;
WHEREAS discussions held to date to resolve the overrun matter were not satisfactory to the Waskaganish First Nation;
WHEREAS being the end of August, time left to complete the road under acceptable conditions is becoming a serious concern;
WHEREAS the contracts of Phase I and II are not yet completed, there is still $4 million to be paid to the suppliers and contractors;
WHEREAS to date the WFN has spent $41,719,283.00 and received $38,527,546.00 from MTQ;
WHEREAS the work should be completed by December 2001.
THAT the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority and the Waskaganish First Nation continue to request the Federal and Quebec government provide unrestricted financial resources to complete the access road.
# 2001-35 Physicians Shortage in Eeyou Istchee
WHEREAS the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay
has encountered many difficulties in trying to fulfill its mandate to provide health and social services;
WHEREAS recent developments in the health and social services sector have left many regions with a shortage of physicians;
WHEREAS such developments have for some time now reached critical situations for medical services in Eeyou Istchee under the jurisdiction of the CBHSSJB;
WHEREAS the CBHSSJB has duly informed the Cree nation leadership of such situations and it has been resolvec that the CBHSSJB and the Cree nation leadership would work together to represent this issue to the Ministry of Health and Social Services of Quebec;
THAT the members of the 2001 Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority fully support the CBHSSJB and the Cree Nation leadership in their endeavor to obtain the necessary resources without jeopardizing its exiting budget to address any incentives that may be necessary;
THAT the Chairman of the CBHSSJB and the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority consult with each other and do all things necessary for appropriate actions to be taken in this regard.