It’s time to democratize the AFN and let every community member vote for National Chief. That’s the message from a wide cross-section of local and regional chiefs across Canada.
So far, media reports have focused mostly on the critics of the idea. But there are lots of enthusiastic supporters, too.
“It will be supported. It is inevitable. It is the only way we will go forward,” said Stan Beardy, Grand Chief of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation, with 49 member First Nations in Ontario.
Stewart Phillip, who is chief of the Penticton First Nation and president of the 80-member Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, also loves the idea.
“I strongly support it. If you look at the lack of success we’ve had in the past decade, I would think it’s high time for that change,” he said.
“The fundamental issue is control. The chiefs don’t want to relinquish control. The autocratic leadership will fight this. (But) no group has the right to preempt this, to prejudge it.’’
The idea is also supported by a respected Elder in Ontario who helped found the National Indian Brotherhood in 1966.
“I think it’s a good idea,” said Fred Plain, a former Grand Chief of the Union of Ontario Indians, who is currently the regional Elder of the 134-member Chiefs of Ontario.
“That’s how the prime minister is chosen. Would the people of Canada feel better represented if only the mayors were to choose the prime minister? I think people have the right to choose who their leader will be,” he said.
Plain also said the AFN’s regional vicechiefs should be directly elected by the people in their areas.
He said the idea of changing AFN voting rules has virtually unanimous support among Native people, even though some chiefs might oppose it.
Some of the idea’s strongest supporters come from places where Native people already directly elect their regional chiefs.
In 1998, members of the seven Cree First Nations on the east coast of James Bay cast ballots for the first time for the Grand Chief of the Mushkegowuk Council.
They elected Lawrence Martin. He said the system has been a big success.
“It gives people a better sense of ownership and access. Now, there are a whole bunch of people who want to run for Grand Chief (next time).
“There’s a huge increase in what people are doing and talking about. People want to be involved in decisions now, not just let the chief decide,” said Martin.
The system has also been a success among the Crees of lyiyuuschii, in northern Quebec, said Matthew Mukash, the Cree Deputy Grand Chief. Mukash said it’s time for AFN leaders to be elected by the people, too: “I think Aboriginal people should decide how they will govern themselves.”
Mukash also dismissed the idea that a directly elected National Chief would have too much power. He said it would be easy to set limits on what he or she could do.
He pointed out that the Grand Chief of the Quebec Crees has to answer to the nine Cree chiefs, who meet regularly to decide policies of the Grand Council of the Crees.