Members of the Chisasibi Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu School walked away with 14 trophies,plaques and medals at the 18th Annual Quebec World Open Karate Championships, held in Quebec City.
Fifty-five Chisasibi residents made the trip on the Cree Nation Bus. Present at the tournament were people from as far as California and the Cayman Islands.
The results:
Chantale Sénéchal scored a 1st in sparring and 2nd in forms (adult women), David Sam scored 1st in sparring and 5th in forms (adult men), Johannie Perreault placed1st in sparring and 8th in forms (teen women), Mario Desgagné won 2nd in sparring and3rd in forms (adult men), Tineke Moistert-Harris won a 3rd for sparring and 6th for forms(adult women), John Scipio came in 8th in sparring (teen men), Valentina Tapiatic got8th in forms (kids) and the instructor, sifu Jean Lauzier placed 3rd in forms and 5th insparring (adult men).