According to Robert Mackey, communications officer for the Katavik Regional Police Force, a man on the Inuit side of town in Great Whale has cut off his own hand.

On April 22, the police in Kuujuarapik received a call at approximately 8:00pm by the neighbour of an Inuit man complaining that he had broken his arm and required assistance.

The KRPF responded to the call and arrived on the scene to discover that the man had in fact cut off his own hand though it is unclear what kind of implement he had used.

It was noted by the responding officers that the man in question seemed to not be under the influence of any substances including alcohol. At the same time, Mackey can confirm that the unidentified man did report to police that he had cut off his own hand because he thought it was “evil”.

The man was first medivaced out to the Inuulitsivik Health Centre. It has been suspected that he has since been transferred elsewhere to receive more extensive health care.