Ghislaine Télémaque, a Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay nurse in Mistissini, is one of eight in the province to be awarded with the prestigious 2012 Florence Prize by the Quebec Order of Nurses.

Télémaque was awarded the prize under the “Rayonnement international” category for the outstanding work she has done abroad as a nurse. Aside from having worked for the Cree Health Board since 1992, Télémaque has two other lines of work that she regularly engages in – working as a nurse on Coast Guard ships in the high Arctic and serving on medical teams deployed to war zones and disaster areas around the world.

Télémaque has worked for a wide variety of humanitarian organizations, including Médecins Sans Frontières, Enfants du Monde, Médecins du Monde and Oxfam Québec to deliver medical care in places in dire need such as Haiti, Afghanistan, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo and Dominican Republic.

She will receive her award this May in Montreal where her international colleagues as well as the Cree Health Board will be there to congratulate her.