“Il est fou!” The lady behind us exclaimed. The crazy guy in question was Serge Audet. Serge was competing in the Montreal Super Snowcross which was held January 16 at the Molson Centre. Snow had been dumped into the rink area of the Centre. A snowmobile track had been laid out complete with bumps and a big whoopdeedoo. We saw the track and we didn’t believe that a race would be possible within the confines of the boards. After getting our obligatory hotdogs we settled into our seats and waited for the races to begin.

The semi pros took to the track and made believers out of Neil and I. The course was short but some serious racing did occur. However; the length of the track made for some difficulties for passing. Whoever made the first corner ahead of the pack usually stayed ahead to win. Audet was clearly the most aggressive on the track, with the first pass of the evening, hence the “he is crazy” remark. The crowd was clearly with him. Serge Audet on his Arctic Cat went on to win the feature race of the Open Pro with a ten thousand dollar first prize.

Another Chibougamau-ite was on hand that evening, Steeve Girard. Lady Luck was not by Girards side that evening. Girard was unable to recover from the mishaps and pileups during the races, even during the last chance races. The Sno-Falcon made it’s second public debut during the event. The quasi-motorcycle-snowmobile machine did some demo laps around the track. The kids even made a showing. Aged from 6 to 10 years old, Jordan Sawyer, St-Elli D’orford, PQ on a Ski-Doo took the win.

The other categories and winners included. Pro Women, Mary Orr, Coldwater, ON (Ski-Doo), Semi-Pro Open. Joshua Zelinski, East Lansing, Ml (Arctic Cat), Pro 500, Rich Sawyer, Savoy, NY (Ski-Doo).