In the recent year and a half, my life seems to have taken on a new path. Every day to day life experience carries a new meaning in which most people tend to ignore or not recognize. We seem to dwell on the past, totally forgetting what we have in front of us, and never bother to think and plan out the future. I for one was lost and hadn’t realized it yet until I saw the beauty and life our Creator gave me and my wife.

It seems to me that there’s a point (a sign) in our life that each one of us will see, recognize and follow. Be wise with yourself, look, take note at what you see and grasp the opportunity which so many fail to recognize.

As for me, my sign was present and staring me straight in the eyes. I was out one night having a supposedly good time with friends and totally ignoring the time. I arrived at home early the next morning at about 6 a.m. with the ugliest half cut expression on my face. Not realizing my intoxication level, I was greeted at the door by my one year old son. The expression on his face told it all. He looked at me with a cold blank stare, like he didn’t even know who I was.

Standing there looking at yourself and pointing out your own bad habits that cause hardship for others is something that’s hard to swallow. But in the end as we learn to accept our problems, we lower the weight off our back and see life at a higher level.

Dedicated to my wife and newborn son.
Chisasibi, Quebec.