Calling game, whatever it may be – ducks, geese, deer, moose, turkeys, crows, predators – can be done simply by using your mouth, hand and a little practice. But as anyone who has hunted knows, if you go au naturel your vocal chords might be a tad rough after the hunt, especially if it involves migratory birds.
So, thanks to evolution, man has created calls made out of wood, which bring a different dynamic to the hunt and, most importantly, a variety of sounds. Every call maker has his secrets for crafting calls that are faster, have a longer range and try to sound as realistic as possible.
You now have on the market all kinds of calls made with different material. Prices vary depending on the quality of the call and the time required to craft it. You can find calls made out of polycarbonate (which is injected in a mould), acrylic, delrin, and, of course, wood and even exotic wood.
Each type is interesting, but as Rhéal Charlebois of Recall Design says, “For me, the material that comes closest to sounding like a real goose is wood. I love its porosity and feel. It has also less volume than an acrylic call, which is an advantage in the final phase of the calling, when the birds are getting close. It’s also easier to take care of. After a rainy hunt, simply open your call and let it dry out.”
Charlebois added that acrylic calls also have their advantages. “They are very dense, like glass, so they offer an incredible volume level. They are stable under high temperature variance, and they require less care than wood.”
It really depends on your level as a hunter and your budget. Recall Design makes about 150 award-winning calls per year. All are true art pieces, precisely crafted by hand and tuned to perfection for the most realism and easy blowing. All are numbered and signed. Charlebois uses material of the highest quality, even exotic wood. You can even have a special collector’s piece custom-made to your specifications.
Check out Recall Design’s website and see all the calls. They are available in exotic wood and acrylic: goose calls, duck, turkey, deer, crow, snow geese and predator calls. You can buy them online at:
Calls are also available at B.C. Sports in Amos and Cree Sport & Outdoors Centre in Mistissini.