Did you know:

Since 1975, more than 5,000 square km of forest has been clearcut in Eeyou Astchee, an area the size of Delaware? This is equivalent to the amount of land flooded by the La Grande hydro-electric reservoir.

The total area allocated to forest companies in Eeyou Astchee is 52,000 square km, an area larger than Belgium, Denmark or Holland?

In 1983, forestry operations in Eeyou Astchee represented 13 per cent of the industry’s total investment for the province? By 1988, this figure had increased to 58 per cent.

Forest companies have clearcut over 70 per cent of some Cree traplines, while still falling within provincial regulations on cutting?

Quebec has the lowest percentage of protected park land in Canada of any province? There are no parks in Eeyou Astchee that are protected from resource development.

Source: Crees And Trees: An introduction booklet