The first edition of Rez Notes appeared on October 6, 1995 (Vol. 2, No. 21).

Greetings dear mortals. Allow me to welcome you to this page. One that, with your assistance, cooperation and blind obedience, will flourish and live on in our pages, hearts and minds for as long as humanly possible. We all know how all of Creedom loves gossip, rumours and truths even. So I command you to contact “Rez Notes” by letter, fax, phone, ESR classifieds or by any other means you can dream up c/o The Nation for all of the above and much hilarity will, no doubt, ensue. Bear in mind that the juiciest stories cannot be published in a family magazine such as this but send them in anyway. Without further ado and in alphabetical order (snicker, snicker). …

May 10, 1996 (Vol. 3, No. 12)

Good, the doors are locked, the curtains drawn and the ice has arrived from room service so the beverages will stay cold. We can begin. We are here at the cozy Capissisit Lodge in Ojay. I have to admit I was a tad nervous coming back after… what is it?… two, three years? Has it been that long? I spent the day here several weeks ago and asked my “boss” if we could lunch at The Lodge. “Do you think we’re ready?” was his reply. So we ended up eating at the cultural village instead. I don’t mind tellingyou, it was mighty tasty. Rabbit brains and all…

The story of the legendary gang of ruffians, the Black Panthers, remains shrouded in mystery.The story is that they were a group of tough guys from Ojay in the late sixties and early seventies who terrorized God-fearing folk.According to some people here, they could be identified by the X’s carved into their hands, tightpants and leather jackets bearing their insignia. Oh, even their “chicks” had X’s carved on their hands. I asked if they fought the good fight with the now-defunct, at least in Chibougamau, motorcycle gang Sex Fox, but no one was sure. One also wonders if they drove Harley Davidsons or Indians…

June 21, 1996 (Vol. 3, No. 15)

Ladies, gentlemen and other readers of Rez Notes I humbly accept your nomination for Grand Chief.Thank you. If elected I pledge to change my title to a less loftier one such as Grand-But-Still-Modest-Chief. I also promise notto complain bitterly after signing agreements that the other party is not fulfilling its end of the bargain. You know they will be broken.During my reign I will abuse power only on weekends. Starting, of course, on Thursday nights and ending Monday evening. I will not be photographed while slumped over a drink-filled table at a certain bar in Dorval. I will hire one of my brothers to look into and expose any and all cases of nepotism in the Cree Nation. Any gifts I receive from heads of state during my rule,I will hand over to the head office in Nemaska where common folk such as yourselves can freely appreciate them. I shall go to and fro over the earth assuring people of all races and creeds that Cree is not a four-letter word. I will use all my earthly powers to separate from Canada and join our brothers in Antarctica. If I should fail in this sacred mission I promise to try again, again and yet again. So, please, promise you’ll vote early and often for me on election day…