Oil your way to longer engine life

Why should I change the oil in my car? It’s all too easy to forget that your car’s engine generates temperatures in excess of 200°G under normal operating conditions. If it’s a turbo, that’s more like 300°C! Oil prevents metal to metal contact and cleans out dirt and combustion by-products. Many people don’t realize that oil is also an important part of the cooling system, dispersing about 20% of engine heat.

Today’s cars are designed with smaller, more fuel efficient engines, and are built to tighter tolerances. The engine oils you put in have to be of an equally high standard, and the manufacturers are continually researching new and improved products.

But nothing lasts forever. Over time, the oil will lose some of its viscosity (ability to flow) and will pick up enough dirt and water in suspension that it needs to be replaced. Engine manufacturers generally recommend an oil change every 5,000 to 6,000 km. If you do nothing else in the way of preventive maintenance, do these oil changes. They are the single most effective thing you can do for long engine life. And at about 20% per oil change is also one of the cheapest.

So you’ve decided to have your oil changed (or maybe you want to change your own oil). Are all oils the same? Should you just put any kind of oil in your car? The short answer is no — not all oils are equal.

All oils conform to high standards. The biggest difference is-in the additives that each company adds. These additives will enhance the oil’s cleaning effects in the engine, will lay down a protective layer on the metal walls to reduce internal friction, and help the oil to resist thermal and viscosity breakdown.

There are also other additives or oil treatments you can buy separately. Such additives can help any oil remove engine deposits, protect engine parts, and improve fuel consumption. They are available at automotive stores or wherever you get your oil changed.