Several thoughts have been travelling through my head on Hydro-Quebec. At the head of the pack of my mind is the new international image Hydro-Quebec is cultivating.

According to everything we’ve heard and know, the Evil Empire is saying that the Crees and Hydro-Quebec are experiencing a new relationship. It’s great and it’s good. According to GCCQ sources, Hydro-Quebec is apparently implying an acceptance of Great Whale or the Rupert’s hydro-electric projects internationally and at home. Just read the non-Cree media. They are telling of the visits and meetings they have made to the north to talk and negotiate with the Cree.

Which makes it even more surprising that sources within HQ headquarters say they are as mad as hell that Chief Matthew Mukash will be making trips to the United States to fight against the revived project in Great Whale. Apparently HQ can’t understand Mukash’s attitude given the new relationship that HQ thinks that they have with the Crees.

Fact: the top brass of Hydro-Quebec made a trip to Chisasibi to talk about….? Even those at the meeting weren’t really sure. Straight shooting from the hip discussions it wasn’t… at least from the Hydro side. It was only during the snack break when a Nation employee asked straight out what did Hydro want did the plain speech arrive. They want to do Rupert’s and Great Whale, albeit in a different form than first discussed.

Given the Whapmagoustui people are openly fighting for their river and that no Cree band council (of those communities potentially affected) has come out against the proposed Rupert’s hydro-electric diversion, it is no wonder that HQ is confused about Cree intentions. In the language of negotiation this could be seen as holding out the carrot while showing off the stick. So what do Crees really want? Sacrifice the Rupert’s for Great Whale?

I think that we should give this most important decision to the people. Whapmagoustui Band Council said it only cost $500.00 to hold a referendum to decide whether or not to fight Hydro-Quebec. This is the cheapest form of democracy I have ever heard of so why isn’t it being done?

Put the mettle to the test. It is time for every Cree to make their positions known. Hydro-Quebec has said that they will back off if a community doesn’t want a project. Let’s give them a yes or no.

If you think your community leaders are slow to respond to this situation, it is your right as a citizen under the CreeNaskapi to address the problem. All you have to do is gather nine other Cree beneficiaries and petition a community special general assembly to address this or any other issue.

Whether or not Crees decide to go with the projects or not, everyone deserves a voice. Let’s make the Cree image reflect reality.