Welcome to Volume 6, #I. This is the beginning of our 6th year of publishing The Nation Magazine. Our first one was Volume I #I. Does it feel like five years has passed? It is hard to believe that it has. It feels like yesterday. I remember vividly our first issues. Burned in my memory is the first Nationites’ gathering in our living room to start a paper for the Crees of James Bay. After it got too hectic at our first “office,” we found a location which we could work from. Ah, the naivete. I had no idea how to run a paper. All of us involved brought various skills and talents to the project. All I knew was that the Crees needed one.
As I’ve said before (violins in the background) I know that communications within the communities is very effective. Communications include the traditional means of transmission, which is talking to people. Vast distances warranted the shaking tent. Lately, radio and television have come on the scene. I have worked in various aspects in Cree communications with emphasis in radio both on a community and regional level. So I know what it takes to produce a radio show both as an announcer and researcher. Next time you see someone who is working in radio or television, let them know of your appreciation of their services.
To complement the radio and tv services, a magazine is needed to bring stories which are a bit more difficult to bring across the airwaves. Many people have contributed to The Nation. For that, we thank you. Your contributions are important for us to continue the work that needs to be done. A story, a legend, a poem, a birthday wish to a special someone, a final good bye to a loved one. Those all are important contributions. Our work is to bring your voice to the people who need it, ourselves.
We put a lot of pride into the effort that we made on the magazine. We hope it shows through. Just to be sure, tell our advertisers where you saw their ad (end violins). We have gone through four offices, two break ins, little or no pay, crazy deadlines, crazier characters. We have seen people who hate the paper and who love the paper; we don’t know who’s scarier. We have seen our share of ups and downs as a business, like any other business endeavour does.
So from all of us at Beesum Communications, publishers of The Nation Magazine, here’s to another five years. When that time comes we can say… “Here’s to another 10 years.” Till then, we’ll keep our fingers crossed.