We are nearly coming to the end of the Wildlife Conservation Program in Mont-Laurier. We have learned biology, ecology, animal pathology, zoology, photography, investigation and patrolling techniques, first aid and rescue techniques, and many more.
The program offers 33 different courses on becoming a wildlife conservation officer, hunting and fishing guide or recreational park ranger. We were given knowledge and regulations on wildlife conservation and protection.
During the year, we experienced job-related tasks of a conservation officer. Everything that was taught had to be implemented in the field work practices. We had to make reports on poaching, investigations patrols, complaints and by getting information from the complaintant or the suspect. We had to memorize our job-related laws and regulations in the final exams which were a great learning experience.
You may have seen us outdoors. We studied the environments surroundings such as the structure of the soil with the mosses and the lichens, the vegetation and the proper name of the trees and animals. We learned traditional outdoor knowledge and with the modern technology the school offers we learned to read maps and locate which animals are in a specific area.
It has been a year since we started the program and it will be ending March 20. This will complete 1,350 hours of hard work and determination with the help of the professional teachers offered by “Le Centre de Formation Professionnelle de Mont-Laurier.” It may be very stressful for us because of all the assignments and exams which usually come at the end of each school year. We will be greatly pleased when the program is completed. This will show that we have the potential and experience to get on the job market.
During the year and even today we are working on a volunteer basis on fundraising for our jackets andpossibly for a trip to Montreal to visit the Biodome. We would like to thank everyone who had andmaybe will participate in the fundraising and upcoming events for the community of Chisasibi.