ARTICLES BY Ernest Webb and Will Nicholls

Shooting the messenger

The hearings on Hydro-Quebec’s proposed Rupert River diversion, whether in the Cree communities or outside, are always of interest to the Nation staff. Those we couldn’t attend in person we listened to on JBCCS’s Cree Radio Network as did many Crees. We also went on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency ... read more ››

Taking a Stand

We are back to where we were three years ago. Again you are asked to declare where you stand. Which candidate represents your goals and ideals? Who speaks for you? Who is the best person for the job? Maybe you already know who you will vote for. Maybe the elections ... read more ››

Quebec Denies Our Rights: AFN

Quebec and Canada must recognize aboriginal rights, including the right to self-determination, says the Assembly of First Nations When we began looking at the issue of separation and options of sovereignty for the First Nations of Quebec, we called a number of people. Ghislain Picard, vice-chief of the Assembly of First Nations, ... read more ››