ARTICLES BY Peter Kuitenbrouwer

Quebec attack on ecologists backfires

NEW YORK—Quebec’s defense of the Great Whale project here appears to have backfired. For a couple of years now the Quebec government had taken a back seat in the controversy, choosing to let Hydro-Quebec defend itself in New York against attacks by the Crees and U S. environmentalists over its Great ... read more ››

Hydro spreads the gospel in the United States

NEW YORK—Jacques Guevremont looked sad on the night he lost his big prize. It was evening rush hour, Feb. 17, 1 992. Guevremont, Hydro-Quebec’s representative to the United States, stood on the corner of Park Avenue South in a sea of yellow cabs, waving his arm. Taxis whizzed by, ignoring him. ... read more ››