Category: 2006-11-24
It’s our 13th anniversary. Some might consider that an unlucky number, but I think it’s a significant date for this Aboriginal magazine. Thirteen consecutive years in business makes this one of the longest-lived publications in the Aboriginal media world.
As I write this I am smiling with pride that the Nation ...
War is something we all wish would not happen, but sadly, war is part of life. Today, literally hundreds of conflicts around the world are eclipsed by the big war against terrorism, in which a constant media barrage downplays the fallen soldiers who return home in caskets. This hasn’treally affected ...
The Municipalité de la Baie James has many powers over category 2 and 3 lands thanks to a law passed in the Quebec National Assembly in 2001, the Grand Council has recently learned. The legislation effectively handed over control to the MBJ from the Société de Development de la Baie ...
Romeo Saganash is in hot water after delivering an anti-hydro rant in Burlington, Vermont, without the consent of his employer, the Grand Council of the Crees.
Grand Council Executive Director Bill Namagoose sent Saganash a letter November I requesting ameeting to clarify his Vermont speech. The letter also informed Saganash, who ...
In a move towards self-government and away from reliance on the federal government, the Tsawout First Nation in British Columbia has brought in a new First Nations goods and services tax (FNGST).
The tax, implemented October I, will effectively replace the GST.
The FNGST is a six per cent tax on taxable ...
The Cirque du Soleil is being given a run for its money by a new initiative created to help Northern youth find their creative spark.
Artcirq, a troupe from Igloolik, Nunavut, worked with Montreal’s Cirque Eloise to create opportunities for troubled youth to learn more about drumming, throat singing and many ...
The troubled northern Ontario First Nations community of Kashechewan is being urged to relocate to Timmins after continued problems with tainted drinking water and mold in the community.
“The benefits of such a relocation are clear,” said the author of a study examining options for the town, Alan Pope. “This will ...
A group of Native former NHLers has been formed and they are lacing up the skates for worthy causes. Hall-of-famer Bryan Trottier, will be the General Manager of Team Aboriginal NHL.
Players will be visiting classrooms to talk about the importance of staying in school and staying away from drugs and ...
Cirque du Soleil’s sexy Vegas show tempts and seduces
The first thing I noticed about Cirque du Soleil’s Zumanity is how much they talk! In the strange netherworld created by Quebecer Guy Laliberté, Cirque’s founder and CEO, talking is a rarity. Characters usually drone on in high-pitched nonsensical words to assure ...
The holiday party season is upon us and along with tidings of comfort and joy comes thestress of planning the perfect holiday party. Whether you are hosting a gathering for the kids, the adults, the office or the whole community, planning is the best way to avoid a panic. So ...
The holidays are all about getting together with family whether it is to trim the tree, sing Christmas carols, exchange gifts or huddle around the TV for a whole month’s worthof holiday specials. A big part of being the host with the most or the hostess with the mostest is ...
Christmas is without a doubt the most expensive holiday of the year and with the passage of time it grows ever more costly. Looking back to Christmas past however, there was a time where people gave each other things like sweets, preserves, garments and toys that they made themselves and ...
Trying to envision what the average video game fanatic would like to see under the tree this Christmas season, the Nation dropped by the Arcadia video gaming convention held November 10-12 at the Uniprix Stadium.
It’s no big secret that gaming isn’t just for children anymore, particularly when you look at ...
As I finished having a meal of roast pork recently, I got the bright idea to turn my leftovers into a meat pie. However, I had to deal with the fact that I have never made a pie crust before. I was not afraid to try. My mom Susan baked ...