Category: 2008-03-14

Eastmain Chief resigns: Reason why a mystery as former chief refuses comment

In a strange twist to an increasingly bizarre story, Eastmain Chief Lloyd Mayappo has tendered his resignation after originally asking for Deputy Chief John Brown to quit after calling into question his conduct. The January 23 meeting was called to “expose and explain” the situation of what some are calling a ... read more ››

Chisasibi mushrooms offer economic boost: Mushrooms worth millions on Asian market can be developed

The Cree Nation is always looking for a way to bolster its economy and protect traditional territory at the same time. With a new pilot project currently in the development phase that would see trappers harvesting and selling mushrooms down south and abroad, it could soon be meshing both worlds ... read more ››

Chisasibi fire victims still accepting donations

Four Chisasibi families who lost everything in a fire February 1 are still accepting donations through the Anglican Church of Eeyou Istchee. Chisasibi’s Assistant Fire Chief, Morris Napash, confirmed the blaze was caused by a seized motor in the ventilation system of one of the apartments on the road behind the ... read more ››

Ontario Aboriginal communities slated to get $3 billion in lotto funds

Over $3 billion in revenue sharing from Ontario’s lotteries and casinos will be directed to Native communities throughout the province, over the next 25 years. The newly inked agreement will see the money earmarked for community health care, education and infrastructure. In total, 134 Aboriginal communities will get $201 million immediately, and ... read more ››

Nemaska Youth Development Corporation

High above the streets of Montreal at the five star Delta Centre-Ville in a rotating restaurant, a small group of young entrepreneurial pioneers were discussing the future after seeing former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore do his presentation on climate change. Many ideas were thrown around at this supper meeting. The ... read more ››

Chisasibi students to watch weather

Students of Chisasibi’s James Bay Eeyou School are set to learn the ins and outs of tracking the weather in their community. They will be using an MK-III Wireless Weather Station which has been installed on the roof of the school courtesy of the Elephant Thoughts Global Development Initiatives organization. The ... read more ››

$1.4 billion deal signed: Cree Nation celebrates the final implementation of the JBNQA

Many may say it’s been a long time coming but Crees are pretty much looking at the final implementation of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA). Signed in 1975 the JBNQA was considered the first modern treaty. However, it was never fully implemented and this led to numerous ... read more ››

Interview with Grand Chief Matthew Mukash and the press scrum with Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl.

The Nation: You signed the deal and as Cuba Gooding Jr. said ‘Show me the money.’ It should be in on March 10? Grand Chief Matthew Mukash: We’re hoping by March 10. What about safeguards? How is the money going to be controlled and spent? First of all I would like to say ... read more ››

Former Grand Chiefs speak out

Matthew Coon Come “Today, 32 years after entering into Canada’s first so-called “modern” agreement, the federal Crown has finally arrived to meaningfully address the obligations it assumed when the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement was signed in 1975. The James Bay Crees are not receiving some kind of a gift ... read more ››

Making the nation stronger: Conference stresses self-reliance through economic development

Economic development officers, local band administrators and various heads of Aboriginal companies met in Montreal February 12-14 to exchange ideas and foster new business relations as a way to strengthen ties that will boost economic productivity. A large crowd of about 900 people from many of the 633 bands across Canada ... read more ››

Islands in the stream: The Cree and Inuit share their claim to two offshore islands in northern Quebec

Islands that were left out of the James Bay Agreement are finally in the process of being claimed by the Crees through the federal government as the Crees follow suit with the Inuit who have just been formally granted rights of two offshore islands. Brian Craik, director of Federal Relations for ... read more ››

What about the women?: Beverly Jacobs denounces Feds’ failure to support Aboriginal women

The Canadian government is short-changing its Aboriginal peoples, and in particular Aboriginal women, according to Native Women’s Association of Canada president Beverly Jacobs, so much so that it’s time to hit the streets with placards again. The new federal budget came as no surprise to Jacobs as, in her opinion, “with ... read more ››

Colonization to decolonization

Most First Nations are intimately versed in the realities of colonization. The outcries we heard from many First Nations about Canada’s refusal to sign the UN declaration of Indigenous Peoples seemed to be a continuation of the colonial roots of Canada. I have to admit that I am confused given ... read more ››

Standing up for his Aboriginal right: Jimmy Cooper will defend his right to hunt all the way to jail

Jimmy Cooper and his traditional right to hunt wild game is being called into question once again. This time however, the courts have set a date for his incarceration and the Grand Council has vowed not to fight for Cooper because if it lost, the precedent the case would set ... read more ››

The future looks bright

During the day, whenever I can, I take the time to open the blinds and let the sun shine in while I sit at the table to have my breakfast or lunch. The sunlight lifts my spirits after weathering sunless days and gloomy storms. It also keeps me warm without ... read more ››