Category: 2008-06-20

Criminal acts must be punished

Barriere Lake Chief Casey Ratt’s house was recently burned to the ground in a dispute over power and control of the tiny Algonquin community. It is a method that is not only criminal and stupid, it seems to be the new way to voice displeasure within Aboriginal communities – and ... read more ››

Summer student woes

The rake scratched the dry arid ground, scraping the last bubblegum wrapper left when Bazooka Joe was still a household name. The flimsy garbage bags busting under minimal pressure, reinforces the view that plastic garbage bags have a half-life of 15 minutes in the real world. Yet they somehow manage ... read more ››

Canada Apologizes to Residential School Survivors

After years of down-playing or outright ignoring the pain and suffering of former residential-school students, the Canadian government finally stepped up to the plate and delivered an apology for the sexual, physical and mental abuse suffered at the church-run schools by over 150,000 students. “The treatment of children in Indian Residential ... read more ››

Gestion ADC first Cree Company to make PROFIT 100 list

Chisasibi’s Gestion ADC (1996) Inc. is the first Cree company to make the list, PROFIT 100: Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies. Gestion ADC, a catering and janitorial services company, is a subsidiary of the Cree Construction and Development Company and belongs to the entire population of Eeyou Istchee. Ranking 27th among Quebec companies, Gestion ... read more ››

Canada’s poor human rights

Amnesty International shook a shameful finger at Canada as well as various Western countries and China on May 28. Canada is getting a failing grade, particularly when it comes to protecting its Indigenous People from violence and defending their rights. Canada was criticized when it came to not doing enough to ... read more ››

Bill Reid’s artworks recovered in B.C. bust

Over $2 million in stolen artworks were recovered following an RCMP raid in Burnaby, British Columbia, June 7 and 8. The most prized piece of the collection, a gold box with an eagle created by renowned Haida artist Bill Reid, was successfully recovered, although two of Reid’s pieces remain missing. The artworks ... read more ››

Turning 30: The Cree School Board salutes its important role in Nation-building

The Cree School Board celebrates 30 years of service to Cree students, teachers and staff. The major theme of the celebration, titled “Cree Education Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow‚” showed appreciation to the past efforts of regimes. The CSB has built what has become one of the Cree Nation’s prime investors ... read more ››

Algonquin Chief’s house burnt to the ground: The leadership dispute at Barriere Lake continues

Chief Casey Ratt’s house was burnt to the ground in what appears to be a case of arson as the volatile situation between the traditionally-appointed band council and the opposition in the Algonquin community of Barriere Lake is heating up. Ratt and his family were at the powwow in Maniwaki on ... read more ››

Blowing in the wind: Aboriginal wind-power developers left out to dry

On May 13, Claude Bechard, Quebec’s Minister of Natural Resources, and Benoit Pelletier, the Minister Responsible for Aboriginal Affairs, announced in a joint press conference that Hydro-Quebec will hand out 500 megawatts more in contracts to Aboriginal wind-power developers and companies in remote areas. This statement comes after both Hydro and ... read more ››

A night to remember: The Nation picks up more awards at the QCNA

Almost every spring for the past 14 years, come rain or shine, the Nation has attended the Quebec Community Newspapers Association’s (QCNA) annual awards dinner. A quick count reveals over 60 awards nailed to our newsroom walls, including citations for outstanding writing, photography, sales performance under fire, and selfless public ... read more ››

In Memory of Philip Bosum

In Memory of Philip Bosum September 9, 1918 – May 6, 2008 On behalf of our dear mother Sarah and the rest of the Bosum family, I would like to thank everyone who prayed for our late father Philip, and who shared our grief. Special thanks to Louise Neeposh and her mother Catherine ... read more ››

Saving the polar bear

Now that polar bears are listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act as of May 14, Inuit groups have started to complain that they have lost money from the outfitting trade. Though Americans were not the only group that frequented the outfitters of the north for the thrill of hunting the ... read more ››

I choose to forgive

I was taken away from my parents at a young age to attend La Tuque Indian Residential School, situated in central Quebec, approximately 300 hundred miles away from my home community of Mistissini, Quebec. I was at the IRS for 10 of the most vulnerable years of my life. The residential school ... read more ››

Ye olde bicycle shop

If you have ever owned a bicycle, chances are you have visited a local bicycle shop when you needed something fixed or replaced. These days your visit to a bike shop may take you to a modern storefront where you may find a sales, repair and accessory buffet for bikers. However, ... read more ››

We want our school! Students from Attawapiskat meet the evasive Chuck Strahl

On May 29, The National Day of Action, Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl met with three students from Attawapiskat on Parliament Hill and told them that they still cannot have the school they were promised three years ago. Over 1000 people congregated in Ottawa to stand in support of the children ... read more ››