Volume 10, Issue 11
This year’s Ivakkak dog race turned out to be quite a success, with a new winner, Charlie Watt Jr. being crowned. Watt has progressed every year since the inception of Ivakkak back in 2001. Having finished third in the inaugural year, and second last year, Watt had no-where to go ...
When I think of my home community, Attawapiskat, on the James Bay coast, many of my memories have to do with certain landmarks or buildings. When my parents first moved to the community there were very few buildings. By the time I was born the community had developed quite a ...
Amnesty International is urging Prime Minister Jean Chretien to settle the longstanding Lubicon Cree land claim before he leaves office next February.
Amnesty, which monitors human rights violations, said in a strongly worded report that Canada has failed to live up to its obligations towards the small northwestern Alberta band despite ...
A meeting between six Mohawk chiefs from Kanesatake and federal representatives ended April 3, with no apparent resolution.
The meeting was held in response to the roadblock protest that prevented all outside traffic from traveling into and through Kanesatake since March 28.
The protest was triggered by a policing deal agreed to ...
Nobody likes a bully. Every one of us has been told that at one time or another. However, there is a lot more to it than just trying to ignore a bully.
Bullies are not born, bullies are made. Sometimes, they can be the product of their environment at home. Violence ...
Last week I read a quote in reference to the war in Iraq that has stuck in my mind. One of the coalition leaders said that in order to save the city of Baghdad, they were going to have to destroy it. As evidence of this we hear in the ...
The work in James Bay is under way, with the EM-1 hydroelectric project along the Eastmain River. It has been an idea of Hydro Quebec’s since the before the signing of the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) in 1975, which made references to it under Section 8.1.2. With the ...
A critical shortage of adequate housing on native reserves across Canada is likely to worsen, despite $3.8-billion in federal funding spent on the problem over the past decade, Auditor-General Sheila Fraser says.
“Many First Nations are facing a housing crisis,” Fraser said. “Unless action is taken quickly, the already unacceptable housing ...
Political conflicts are once again throwing the Mohawk Territory of Kanesatake into turmoil. The six members of the Mohawk band council are split down the middle as to which way they want to run the reserve.
One of the heated topics involves the extension of a policing agreement signed between Kanesatake ...
Since last November, William MacLeod of Mistissini has been the president of the Cree Construction and Development Company. MacLeod has spent the past five months getting to know everything about the company. “Sitting down with management has been a priority. We have had to discuss which areas are important and ...
Police officers are meant to be there to protect the people. If anyone happens to be in danger, they are the ones who are there to help. At least that’s the way it works in theory.
Darrell Night found out that what works in theory doesn’t always work in real life. ...
Badabin Eeyou School was proud to host the Cree School Board Regional Fair this year. Participants from Chisasibi, Mistissini, Waskaganish, Wemindji, Ouje-Bougoumou, Nemaska and Whapmagoostui competed for prizes on the 4th of March.
In recognition of the effort put into each and every project, all participants received small gifts with their ...
A few weeks ago, north of the 55th parallel, it rained. This may seem to be an ordinary event in the south during the month of March. But in the north, rain in the month of storms is rare. In fact, the rain followed by a snowstorm of epic proportions ...