Tag: health

Ten Thousand Steps

It is well known that First Nation people all across this country suffer from diabetes and heart disease. The Cree of James Bay started to develop these health problems decades ago when so-called progress came to our remote First Nations. Some of us ended up with jobs working for the ... read more ››

Programs and ideas for improving your health during the cold months

With the light and warmth of summer months away, the natural inclination is to bundle up in front of the TV as much as possible. However, this is the worst plan for your health as human beings need to be physically active. According to Dr. David Dannenbaum, of the Cree Board ... read more ››

Bigfoot in Chisasibi: Myth or Reality?

There have been many sightings of a sasquatch-like being around the community of Chisasibi lately. It all started when one man noticed huge footprints down by the beach. The next thing you knew everyone was claiming to have seen Bigfoot. According to some elders, he (or she) is said to have loved ... read more ››

Meanwhile, in the City…

I don’t know what it is about a teepee, considering I have only been in one a few times, but whenever I see one in the city, I get that feeling of being home, a sensation of being back in the womb. On Friday, September 19, as I showed up ... read more ››

Voices of the Land

Voices of the Land is an unusual compilation. It is neither music, nor poetry, nor spoken word and teaching. It is the combination of all these that takes you on a journey. It is the journey of the people of Chisasibi and it is a beautiful one. It contains anger, ... read more ››

Indian Act changes

The Canadian Press reports that Native bands across Canada will have to abide by minimum standards when they elect officials or spend money under proposed legislation to revamp the 126-year-old Indian Act. The bill would require Native bands to develop codes to spell out how they choose their leaders, run their ... read more ››

B.C treaty referendum a shoddy procedure that is unworthy of Canadian politics

Years ago when I was living in England a satirical television show conducted a poll of public opinion that exploded the myth of the objectivity of polls. By cunningly phrasing the questions to obtain the results they wanted, they managed to get a huge majority of people to agree with ... read more ››

Coffee to go

Some days, it seems that there is just not enough time to get everything done. The other day, I went up North to go hunting and the damn machine broke down, leaving us little to do but repair and hope for the best. This took a good six hours waiting for ... read more ››