Tag: Regional Chief Ghislain Picard

Val-d’Or allegations throw Quebec into a crisis

Twenty five years ago this month, a 17-year-old Cree man named Neil Stonechild was picked up by Saskatoon police, driven out to the edge of the city, and left there. Temperatures were below minus 25ºC, and Stonechild’s frozen body, wearing a light jacket and one shoe, was later found in ... read more ››

Quebec Chiefs sit down with Premier Couillard

The media frenzy surrounding Premier Philippe Couillard’s meeting and press conference with several chiefs of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL) in Montreal November 4 spoke volumes about the urgency – and opportunity – to repair relations between First Nations and the provincial police in the ... read more ››

Article Sparks Strong Reactions

The reactions ranged from sadness, to anger, to confusion. Some were left scratching their heads. Many tried to figure out what was going through Billy Diamond’s mind as he trashed the Cree leadership in L’Actualité. “Hogwash, man,” is how one Cree responded. “What a guy! I think he’s jealous of Matthew.” (The ... read more ››

A nurse’s story

My journey began in the fall of 1989 when I entered the nursing program at John Abbott College in Ste. Anne De Bellevue. I was young and unprepared to commit 100 per cent. So I made a choice to discontinue my studies. A couple of years passed and I returned ... read more ››